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How to Winterize a Car

How to Winterize a Car

As winter sets in for a long stay, it is time to get serious about winterizing your car. Snow, ice, slush, and wind can make maintaining your vehicle and staying safe, difficult. That is why the team in the Caledon Chrysler Service Centre wants to give you some expert advice on how to properly winterize your car. Not only will these tips help you protect your car from the elements, but they will also make driving safer in winter until spring arrives once again.

Winter Tires

If you haven't already done so, now is the time to switch to winter tires. Road conditions can vary wildly during the winter months in Canada, so it helps to have the proper tires. Winter, or snow, tires are designed to provide a higher level of grip and braking power in these difficult conditions. These tires are different because they are made from a special rubber compound that remains both softer and pliable in the cold. It is best if you only equip your vehicle with winter tires during this time of year because they tend to wear down faster on dry pavement.

Proper Oil

Much like with tires, there is also a certain blend of oil made specifically for winter. Normal oils tend to thicken when cold, making it harder for your engine to work properly. While many advanced motor oils are made for all temperatures, we suggest replacing your oil with one that can handle extreme temperatures. Our Service Centre is more than happy to discuss which oils will work best with your specific model and make. It is also a good idea to check your owner's manual.

Protecting Against Winter

While your engine takes a beating during the season, the rest of your car needs some extra attention as well. The roads are usually coated with a nasty combination of dirt and salt, both of which are constantly attacking your vehicle's paint and finish. In combination with professional car washes, we also suggest that you get a fresh coat of wax. This extra layer of protection can save you quite a bit of money down the road by stopping the formation of rust and corrosion. These same problems can find their way inside your vehicle so invest in some floor mats that are made to fit your car. Non-model specific floor mats might be cheaper, but they may interfere with the operation of your pedals.

Check Your Battery

Perhaps the most important thing you can to do to prep your car for winter is checking your battery. Due to the extreme temperatures, you will be putting a great deal of stress on this vital piece of equipment. We suggest visiting our Service Centre or MOPAR Express Lane, to get your battery checked. You will save yourself quite a bit of money and frustration if you go into the difficult winter months with a strong and fresh battery. Either way, make sure you also have a solid pair of jumper cables in your vehicle at all times.

To learn more about how you can prepare your car for the worst that a Canadian winter has to offer, please contact the service experts at Caledon Chrysler today. Also, make sure to ask about our amazing selection of new and pre-owned SUVs and trucks that are perfect for winter driving.

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